mother and children hugging

An Open Invitation To The Tired Moms and Motherless Mothers

  1. Ashley says:

    Love this so much! I’m sitting on my virtual porch with you, coffee in hand! Thank you for sharing and spreading God’s grace and love. I think those two things are often overlooked in the business of daily life. It takes a conscious effort to spread them both and you are a great example of that! 

    • Meredith says:

      What a sweet reply, Ashley. I’ll sit here and sip coffee with you a while, friend! Thanks for being here and sharing grace. xoxo

  2. Marilyn Hundley says:

    Thanks for your heart felt words. I can’t call my mom anymore or share with her my fears or happy times. But I try to remember she was always there for me. She still is, she just doesn’t remember as well. Happy Mothers Day!

    • Meredith says:

      I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you sooner, Marilyn! Thank you for reading. I’m sorry your mom isn’t “present” anymore, that has to be so hard. Thank goodness for the good memories. <3 I hope you had a beautiful Mother's Day! xoxo

  3. Loved this, Meredith.  Yes to giving ourselves and others the gift of grace. 🙂 My own lovely mom is aging, so I realize I won’t have her forever, but years ago, God spoke to me that it was my time to step up to the plate and be a mom to others. Grace to you, friend.

    • Meredith says:

      I have been terrible at looking at comments! There is no doubt you are an amazing mom to many! Love your heart and always love your words. I hope you had a beautiful Mother’s Day, Betsy!

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