1. Stephanie says:

    Black people have been eating sweet potato pies for decades. The meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas is not complete without two sweet potatoes pies on the table.

  2. . says:

    How about baking the potatoes instead of boiling them

  3. Cher-Cher Natural says:

    Hhhuuuummmmm. This is what is considered the best?

  4. MS Karleen says:

    No Boo. Black people all over America make sweet potato pies. Never use all spice. Bake your potatoes..boiling them takes away a lot of the flavor.

  5. Simplicity says:

    I read the previous comments. I laughed. Because WE do know sweet potatoe pies. And people of all races make them differently. I do not use pumpkin spice because it’s gross and it’s a sweet potato pie not pumpkin. But you know to each his own. It may be the best to her and her family. And that’s ok. I do like to use condensed milk brown sugar nutmeg and vanilla in mines plus the other few basic ingredients. But I had to comment. Everyone has their own best. God bless all..

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