sharing my real + a side of butter.
because maybe you can relate.

Documenting our life: the good, the bad, and sometimes the manure.
Sharing simple home-cooked recipes that anyone can make!
Serving up a healthy dose of faith, love, & motherhood.  Welcome to the farm.

I'm Meredith, a Southern rooted wife, mama, photographer and writer who believes in the power of our stories. I'm saved daily by Grace and strong coffee. I’m a perfectly imperfect mess of a wife, mom and farmer, but the more I share my real, the more I realize how much we all have in common. 

I don’t know exactly where my road will lead, but I know I’m glad I’m not on it alone and I’m thankful for the opportunity to be in it with my little family on the farm and my big family online. I believe all our stories matter and one of my biggest dreams is that everyone else would believe it, too.

come on in and stay a while!

Meredith B.

Letters from the farm

Let's stay in touch! I'll send you emails about farm life, cookin', coupons, new releases - all the best things!

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daily farm life

with a side of butter

cow sunsetcaswell_county-180 2Farm Dog Truck FieldIMG_0565IMG_2482IMG_2491Meredith Bernard This Farm Wife_DSC5065_DSC9476_DSC9649 2_DSC9859_DSC9861_DSC9862_DSC9878